Presumption of Paternity In Texas

by | Jul 5, 2013

Many people don’t realize that a man in Texas can be considered under the law as the presumed father of a child that is not his biological child. Texas Family Code Section 160.204 outlines the different requirements for a man to be considered the presumed father of a child.

Some common scenarios of where a man would be presumed to be the father of a child include:
1) He is married to the mother of the child and the child is born during the marriage.
2) He is married to the mother and the child is born within 300 days of the marriage being terminated.
3) He marries the mother after the child is born, voluntarily asserts he is the father and the assertion is in a record filed with the bureau of vital statistics, he is named as the father on the birth certificate or has promised in a record to support the child.
4) He lives in the same house as the child for the first two years of the child’s life and represents to others that the child is his.

Edmondson Law, PLLC. is a Collin County law firm that can help you with these all family law issues. This area of law is very complex and it is always best to discuss these matters with a licensed family law attorney. Call Tyler and schedule a free consultation at (972) 442-8326 today!


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