Protect your Assets
So, you have found the love of your life, and the two of you have decided to tie the knot. We could not be happier for you and will be the first to congratulate you on this lifelong commitment. Before you tie the knot, we would suggest, however, to take a step back and think about things. What is your current net worth? What investments do you have? What property or business do you own? All of these things have nothing to do with your significant other. You are the one that has made these investments or have built these companies. If you two were to get a divorce a few years down the road, it is possible your husband or wife will be entitled to part of your investments or capital that you had built before the marriage.
Pre-Marital Action
You have to ask yourself if it is really worth the risk to lose all of the work you have poured into something because of a nasty divorce. The answer is, more than likely not. The best way to protect your pre-marital assets is to form a pre-marital agreement. In a pre-marital agreement, you will line out what is off the table in the event of a divorce. Your fiancé would surely understand that they did not help to build these investments and should understand your concerns and willingness to prepare for the worse. With a pre-marital agreement in place, there can be no debate as to what is on the table for the split up. That way you will not have to worry about losing everything you built before the marriage.
Edmondson Family Law Attorney
You can not make a pre-marital agreement a mutual understanding. The agreement must be drafted as a legal document in order for the courts to recognize it. Like all legal documents, the best way to make sure that your interests are protected is to have an expert law team to draw up the paperwork. Edmondson Law, PLLC is a law firm in the Sachse, Murphey, Wylie area that specializes in family law and will be able to help you draft up the necessary paperwork to ensure that your assets are secured before you take that next step. Call today and set up an appointment at 972-442-8326 or
Information, Not Legal Advice. We provide the information on this website as a public service. The legal landscape is constantly changing and being modified by state law and case law. As a result, we cannot promise that this information is always up-to-date and reflective of the most current jurisprudence.
We do not intend this information to be legal advice. By providing this information, we are not acting as your lawyer. If you need legal advice, you should contact a lawyer through our number (972) 442-8326 or contact another attorney of your choosing.