Don’t Be Pushed Around

by | Apr 10, 2018

Don’t Be Pushed Around

Separation can be a very trying time. You spent years building a life with someone just for it to end and the two of you go your separate ways. The separation can be much tougher if children are involved. Because both parents clearly love their children, they want to be with their children as much as possible. The problem with this is that it is physically impossible for the children to be in two places at the same time. So, by the very nature of separation, it is inevitable that one parent is not going to have their children while the other parent does. This, of course, can cause problems and conflicts over who is going to have the children and when.

Court Ordered Visitation Rights

If you are facing a separation, then it is highly probable that you’ve already contacted your lawyer. The court system will declare who’s going to have primary custody and who will be given visitation rights. Typically, these visitation rights can be on the first, third, and fifth weekends of each month. The person that does not have primary custody can also have a month out of the summer visitation rights. In some cases, the person that does not have primary custody will also have the child, or children, one night during the week. The court tries to be fair in its decision to ensure that both parents will have a significant role in raising the children. Many times, however, the parent that did not get primary custody might not be happy with this. As a result, they will push and push and push in order to have weekends that are not court ordered, days that are not listed in the court documents, or different times in the summer than their designated month.

Family Law Attorney

You can’t blame the other parent for pushing. If you give in, however, you will set a precedent and that other person will continually push for more visitation than what the court has ordered. This could very well result in you losing some of your power or control in the situation and not play as big of a role in your child’s life as the court had initially deemed. You cannot allow this to happen; you must stand your ground and get the help of a professional lawyer. If you are facing a separation and children are involved then you need an experienced law team on your side to ensure that you will have the maximum role in your children’s lives. So, if you are facing a separation and you have children who are involved, then please do not delay and call Edmondson Law, PLLC today.


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