Reasons Why People Don’t Get Wills

by | Jul 16, 2018

Reasons Why People Don’t Get Wills

There are many reasons why people don’t get Wills, and this can be very problematic to the family members that are left behind. One reason people don’t get Wills is they think that they don’t need one at this point. They may feel they are too young and that nothing will happen to them until they are much older. They may also have the thought that there is plenty of time to write up a Will. They could also be thinking that their lives are too busy that they cannot take time out of the day to get this very important document lined out. Perhaps the biggest reason why people do not get wills, however, is that they’re afraid that they won’t be able to afford it. It is definitely no secret that law services can be very pricey. Many people would just assume that they cannot afford it, instead of looking into it. That’s why one must really consider the cost now opposed to the cost later. That is your first mistake. How do you know something cost too much if you haven’t even looked into it? The reality is that you don’t know, so you may be avoiding getting a Will for nothing.

Getting It Done

If you know that a loved does not have a Will in place, the first thing you need to do is explain that it’s never too early to get a Will. Even though they may be in their 20s, 30s, 40s, or 50s, you never know when something might happen, and they may leave this world unexpectedly. As for the second, this will take a bit more force. You need to be blunt with the individual and state that if they can’t make time now, their loved ones could suffer in the future. Make the time, schedule more than one appointment if necessary. As for the final reason, the easiest solution is to shop around. You don’t know how much law services are going to cost until you speak with the lawyer. Never be apprehensive to see someone and ask questions.


Estate Planning Attorney in Wylie, Texas

Edmondson Law, PLLC prides itself on being an affordable law firm that offers top-notch service. So if you think you can’t afford to get a Will or other Estate Planning measures in place then think again and give our office a call. We have years of experience and can work with your schedule so we can meet your needs. We take pride in providing personalized care to your case and are here to fight for your best interests. 


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