Adopting in Texas

by | Jan 3, 2019

Adopting in Texas

Thousands of people and couples make the important decision of adopting each year. Some start out fostering then make the big decision to make it official. There is more than one type of adoption in Texas: stepparent adoptions, agency adoptions, private placement adoptions, and grandparent adoptions. Each type of adoption has its own procedures, requirements, and steps you need to take. And there is no doubt you have numerous questions about each one. Luckily, there are professionals who will help you throughout the process so that you have a successful adoption.

There is a lot that goes into adopting a child, but don’t let that discourage you from changing a child’s life. The adoption process takes time and work. Here is a brief overview of adoption in Texas. Once you have discussed with your partner, if you have one, if adoption is best for you, look for an adoption agency in Texas, such as public or private. Public agencies usually deal with children who are wards of the state and private agencies are typically run by charities and deal with children who have been brought to them by parents seeking to give up the child for adoption. You can get a list of agencies at Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. While all of this can be overwhelming, hiring a professional attorney might not be a bad decision, especially if you are thinking about adopting a family member or stepchild. An attorney can help you navigate any legal paperwork, represent you in court, if necessary, advise you about home studies, and will pay attention to all the details. After you find an agency and meet their requirements, don’t be afraid to ask any questions, such as fees, concerns, health requirements, or financial requirements.

There are a few other details needed before finalizing the adoption. Be ready to provide your caseworker with any information they request, get your home ready for inspection, and expect to undergo a background check. After all the paperwork is complete, and you have met the requirements, the finalization of the adoption can be completed. Before signing the contract, be sure you understand the document and speak with an attorney if you have any questions, choose a child, and after a few days, the adoption agency will make arrangements for you to bring your child home.   You will need to attend an adoption hearing, this is typically a simple formality; the judge will ask the adoptive parents questions under oath.

Adoption Attorneys

Adoption is a beautiful experience, but there is no doubt it can also be scary and stressful at times. Unfortunately, legal complications can arise for any reason, so it is important to take the time to ask questions and seek reliable help. The experienced family law team at Edmondson Law, PLLC is here to help you navigate the process and help you welcome your child into your home. For information on how we can assist you or your family, please contact our office at 972-442-8326.


Information, Not Legal Advice. We provide the information on this website as a public service. The legal landscape is constantly changing and being modified by state law and case law. As a result, we cannot promise that this information is always up-to-date and reflective of the most current jurisprudence.

We do not intend this information to be legal advice. By providing this information, we are not acting as your lawyer. If you need legal advice, you should contact a lawyer through our number (972) 442-8326 or contact another attorney of your choosing.