Co-Parenting Not Always Easy

by | Nov 20, 2018

Co-Parenting Not Always Easy

Experiencing a divorce is an emotional event that you and your children go through. It is a process that is time and mind consuming, and all you want to do is get through it as soon as possible, unscathed. For some couples, everything runs smoothly, but for others, their situation can drag on, affecting their children. Divorce can become more challenging when both partners are discussing custody of their children. What happens when your ex is using the children to turn against you? A situation like this makes co-parenting difficult. The last thing you want is for your toxic ex to “brain wash” your child into thinking you don’t love them, are not a good parent, or you are to blame for the divorce. This could all stem from your ex’s bitterness or anger.

As parents, our number one job is to protect them physically and emotionally; their well-being is a top priority during a divorce. In most judgment, there is a stipulation on how each parent should behave post-divorce. This basically means that neither parent can do anything to purposely undermine the child’s relationship with the other parent.

The best thing you can do is be the bigger person, be the adult in the situation. recommends using OurFamilyWizard website as a tool to help you:

  • Easily coordinate custody an visitation schedules.
  • Track and split expenses through an expense log.
  • Get documented reimbursements through OFWpay.
  • Keep your kid’s health and school records updated in an information bank.
  • Send secure messages that cannot be deleted or altered.
  • Get access to a TON of co-parenting resources. claims that this website is so effective that judges in all 50 states recommend families to use it. The website has also served as a reliable documentation source for court proceedings since all messaging is tamper-proof and stamped with the date, time, and name of the person who sent it. Having all the tools at your disposal to be sure your child has a balanced life is the best thing you can do.

Professional Divorce Attorney

Doing everything you can to protect your children is always on your mind, but can be a challenge when dealing with a toxic ex. Keeping your cool and having an experienced divorce attorney in your corner can help you avoid making emotional decisions. Edmondson Law, PLLC well-versed staff in Texas State Laws governing divorce. Contact Edmondson Law, PLLC for their services or advice on your current situation. Call 972-442-8326 or click here


Information, Not Legal Advice. We provide the information on this website as a public service. The legal landscape is constantly changing and being modified by state law and case law. As a result, we cannot promise that this information is always up-to-date and reflective of the most current jurisprudence.

We do not intend this information to be legal advice. By providing this information, we are not acting as your lawyer. If you need legal advice, you should contact a lawyer through our number (972) 442-8326 or contact another attorney of your choosing.