Do You Have a Last Will and Testament?
Many people question why they need a Last Will and Testament. This question is perfectly reasonable as many people think that they have plenty of time to get their affairs in order before they become ill, unable to mentally make decisions, or pass away. And with that in mind, many may feel that there’s no need for them to put together a will early on in their lives. The sad reality, however, is that you never know when the inevitable is coming. That means that you could potentially be in an accident tomorrow, or some other unforeseen events occur, that will force you to leave this world earlier than you had anticipated. An accident could also leave you in a position where you can not let your loved ones know what your last dying wishes are. That is why it is essential to get a will as soon as possible. This is a very tough time for your family, and you do not want to make it harder due to the legal complications of you not having your final wishes established in the legally binding document.
The Process of a Last Will and Testament
Getting a Last Will and Testament can be a complicated process for one to undertake alone. Keep mind, however, it is a critical process. There are several websites out there that will have individual to believe they can do this on their own. These type of sites make it seem like individuals can get a legally binding document created from the comfort of your own home; this is not true. A document that you create on your own from a website is not going to have the same legal precedents as an actual will that was drafted by an attorney that has been bar approved by the state. So, to create a Last Will and Testament, you need to develop a list of all your assets that you currently have. You need to really stop and think about how you want these assets dispersed upon your departure. Then you need to go to an attorney that specializes in Estate Planning and Wills. This way you will have the peace of mind knowing that your final wishes will be understood and you do not have to worry about putting your family through unnecessary difficulties.
Estate Planning Attorney in Wylie, Texas
There are other necessary steps to be taken in the process of finalizing you will. To ensure peace of mind, it is important to seek an attorney who has years of knowledge and experience. Edmondson Law, PLLC is a law firm this specializes in Estate Planning and will be able to help you create a will. W. Tyler Edmondson and his staff have several years of experience in creating Last Will and Testaments and are more than happy to work closely with you. Contact Edmondson Law, PLLC today at 972-442-8326 and schedule a free consultation with one of our attorneys.
Information, Not Legal Advice. We provide the information on this website as a public service. The legal landscape is constantly changing and being modified by state law and case law. As a result, we cannot promise that this information is always up-to-date and reflective of the most current jurisprudence.
We do not intend this information to be legal advice. By providing this information, we are not acting as your lawyer. If you need legal advice, you should contact a lawyer through our number (972) 442-8326 or contact another attorney of your choosing.