Events That Should Trigger A Review Of Your Will

by | Jul 22, 2013

People often tell me that they need to have their will redone because it has been years since it was executed. The fact is that many of these people do need an entirely new will but others may need no changes at all.  Your circumstances determine whether your current estate documents are in order and time often changes a person’s circumstances.  The law is constantly changing just our lives change and certain life events should trigger a review and possible modification of your estate documents. Below is a short list of some of these triggers:

1) Marriage
2) Birth of Children or Grandchildren
3) Death in the Family
4) Children Reaching the Age of 18
5) Relocation
6) Divorce
7) Substantial Change in Finances
8) Retirement
9) Change in Business Interests

Right now Edmondson Law has a special reduced price for wills during the summer. If you are ready to finally get that will taken care of, now is the time to do it. We are more affordable than ever and have streamlined the process so that it’s easier for you. (972) 442-8326.

Information, Not Legal Advice. We provide the information on this website as a public service. The legal landscape is constantly changing and being modified by state law and case law. As a result, we cannot promise that this information is always up-to-date and reflective of the most current jurisprudence.

We do not intend this information to be legal advice. By providing this information, we are not acting as your lawyer. If you need legal advice, you should contact a lawyer through our number (972) 442-8326 or contact another attorney of your choosing.