Has Your Mother or Father Passed On  Without a Will in Place?

by | Jun 11, 2018

Has Your Mother or Father Passed On  Without a Will in Place?

Has your mother and father died without leaving the final Will and Testament? If they have, it is a very common problem. The issue is that this could potentially be a very big headache for you. A final Will and Testament clearly define who the heirs are, and who is entitled to what. But if there is no final Will and Testament then it will be left up to the state to determine who the heirs are. Any time the state gets involved, it’s going to be very complicated. First off, the state does not know the family history; the state also doesn’t understand the family dynamics of your individual situation nor do they care. To make sure that your interests are protected you’re going to have to go through a special set of proceedings.

The Heirship Proceeding

The special proceedings you’re going to have to go through are called the heirship proceedings. Essentially the heirship proceedings are court proceedings that are utilized to determine who the proper heir to an estate is. These proceedings are conducted whenever the owner of an estate has died and has not left a Will to declare who the heir is. So let’s say you have spent the last several years taking care of your parents. Now that your parents have passed, your siblings, who have been absent, have now appeared and are wanting an unfair portion of the estate. This is very unfair to you. But the problem is that the court has no idea. You’ll have to present a legal argument that will compel the court to see the truth. This is a complicated and intimidating endeavor.

Estate Planning Attorney in Wylie, Texas

If you have found yourself in this type of situation, then you can’t settle on any law firm. You need to team up with the law firm that specializes in Estate Planning and understands Texas state law as far as estate distribution is concerned. That is why Edmondson Law, PLLC should be your first choice. Edmonson has years of experience in Texas Estate Law and will be able to help you to build a compelling case and ensure that you are not cheated out of what is rightfully yours. So if you’re facing an heirship proceeding then don’t delay and give Edmonson Law a call today.


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