Helpful Co-Parenting Apps

by | Dec 4, 2018

Helpful Co-Parenting Apps

Communication with your ex is essential when children are involved. But having that open dialogue may be difficult especially if you have a grim relationship with your ex. Parenting has its challenges, and you want every tool at your disposal to make things run smoothly. You may not know this, but there is a slew of apps to help you with co-parenting. There is an app for EVERYTHING, so why not one (or 3) to help you and your ex-spouse be better parents together- separately.

This genius technology has made it easier for separated parents to share the responsibility and be on the same page about their children. Babyology listed a few co-parenting apps that will help you and your ex.

  • SharedCare- This simple app isn’t just great for co-parents but also other carers who are helping or involved in your children’s lives, such as grandparents. SharedCare keeps you in control of every aspect of your kids’ lives, from care arrangements, expenses (including reimbursement requests), sharing news and photos, or just keeping everyone on the same page. Key features include shared calendar, care arrangements, expense recorder, and group news feed.
  • Parentship- Designed to reduce stress and focus on a shared commitment to raising children in the best way possible, Parentship helps parents better manage emotional distress or ambiguity in order to schedule, communicate and keep track of their activity and custody calendar. Key features include a customized dashboard, reminders, custom calendaring, smart profile, and digital documents.
  • FamCal- Really handy for all kinds of families – not just those who are co-parenting. A shared calendar, it allows you to share dates, schedules, tasks and notes all in the same place, so everyone is in sync and organized. Key features include a family calendar, lists and tasks, and family notes.

This is a few we listed, visit Babyology for the full list or do some research of your own. There are more apps to read through and choose from; some are free or inexpensive, but well worth the fee. And most of them can be downloaded through either Apple, Android, or both.  

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