When Should You Get a Will?

by | Jul 30, 2018

When Should You Get a Will?

Planning for the end of your life and making sure that your affairs are in order is a bleak prospect indeed. Many of us don’t want to think of the end, and so because of that; the will gets move down on the list of priorities. This is perfectly understandable and common. You are not alone in this as many people “drag their feet” and question when the right time to get a will or updating an existing will. Some life-changing events occur which should serve as a reminder that is time to either set up a will or at least update the will. Keep in mind with these life events, the age as to which they should occur is not precise and so perhaps instead of sticking to a particular age, it would be simpler to mark the process to certain life events.

Life Events That Serve As a Catalyst

These life events that are about to be mentioned are simply suggestions and not necessarily doctrine. In that same vein if you can think of other life events that should serve as a catalyst be on this list then definitely bring them into consideration when it’s time to either create or update a will. The first life-changing event to think about is getting married or getting divorced for that matter. These events do reflect a change in your personal relationship and your life which will also include who your beneficiaries are. The next life-changing event is very similar, and that is having children. As you have children, you are going to want to leave them your worldly possessions upon your death. So just like getting married having children should serve as another moment when you should really consider getting or updating your will. Starting a business or buying a home is another moment when you should consider getting a will or updating one. And of course a visit with mortality. If you or one of your family members had a recent brush with death, this should serve as a good reminder that perhaps it’s time to update your will.

Estate Planning Attorney in Wylie, Texas

If you have recently experienced any of these life-changing events and think that perhaps it’s time for you to create or update a will, you are going to want an expert law firm that understands estate planning in Texas law. Our team at Edmondson Law will be able to help you through the process so that you can rest easy knowing that your will is legally binding and secure. Edmondson Law has been serving the Wylie community for years now and will be able to assist the residents of this area with this sometimes difficult process.


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