9 Quick Steps To Improving Your Credit Score

(1) Consider getting a credit card if you do not have one (2) Consider getting a small personal loan that you can pay off over time (3) Pay down credit cards (4) Keep your credit card balance below 30% of the card’s limit at all times (5) Consider asking for a...

Why Do-It-Yourself Legal Sites Are Bad News

Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Legal Sites provide an inexpensive alternative to legal document preparation, but should be used with caution. Many people may not realize that preparing legal documents is a difficult and time consuming proposition. No two cases are ever the same...

Presumption of Paternity In Texas

Many people don’t realize that a man in Texas can be considered under the law as the presumed father of a child that is not his biological child. Texas Family Code Section 160.204 outlines the different requirements for a man to be considered the presumed father...